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message of the dragonfly

message of the dragonfly

The energy of the dragonfly may accompany you through the next 10 portal days. 

The full moon is all about the dragonfly.

The dragonfly opens a dimensional gate for you.

Her message to you:

Think of me and I will lead you to other worlds of reality. 


I am the change itself.

My energy gives you renewal.

I give you strength to close the old and explore new paths.

What are you really good at?

Take care of yourself and allow yourself to embody the lightness of the dragonfly.

Feel fulfilled and free. 

Transformation ~ Lightness ~ Abundance

Are the frequencies and light codes of the dragonfly.

She wants to speak to you softly and quietly. Feel how your heart space becomes free and flooded with light.

Your transformation begins with ease.


You can expect a 14-minute frequency transmission. 

Light Language ~ Light Codes ~ Energy Transmission

With love, Nicoleén Maela. 10.10. 2022

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